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When I was facilitating The 7 Habits programme last week, one of the participants asked - "Isn't Life Is Unfair"? I showed some beautiful paintings and asked them to evaluate from 1 to 10. Some could appreciate, some don't. So I asked them to take out a piece of paper and asked them to draw the paintings they have evaluated. Almost all of them exclaimed that they were not born with the talents to draw or to paint. The painting they were evaluating was Huang Guofu’s masterpiece. Huang Guofu didn’t let the childhood accident that left him armless at the age of four. He taught himself to paint with his feet at the age of 12. He recalls staying up all night at times just to practice. After his father fell ill, Guong, 18 at the time, quit school and decided to pursue painting as a profession in order to help pay for treatments. He started selling his art on the streets. His effort and dedication have not gone unnoticed. As his skills have progressed, so has his recognition. Huang Guofu was recently named vice-curator of the newly opened Chonqing Talents Museum. Now, dealers and art lovers around the world seek out his paintings. I asked the participants - 'do you think Huang Guofu was born with the talents or was it out of necessity & survival? Huang Guofu has overcome the adversity and, in fact he harnessed his adversity! Reflection: Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we respond to it. Is Life Is Unfair? Yes, indeed Life is Unfair. It is how we make the best out of our lives. By Morgan Raj David

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